


web design

The Comedians' Network is actually a sub-site of Boston's Best Comedians. At it's core, the Comedians' Network is a social networking website but with a different goal in mind. It is a place where Boston's Best Comedians can set up their profile and post videos, biography, photos, etc to serve as a comedians' who's who menu for Boston's Best Comedians clients. Fundraisers can browse the available comedians, view clips of their standup, read their bios, and get a better idea of who they would like to hire for an upcoming event.

Boston's Best Comedians is run by local comedian Johnny Joyce, founder of Comics-4-a-Cause (which was voted one of Boston's best performances by Boston Comedy Writers for three years in a row) and winner of the Boston Herald's Boston's Funniest Minute in 2010.

Technologies used: PHP, Wordpress, BBPress, BuddyPress, JQuery, Flash, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript

Click Here to view the live site.

* Also see Boston's Best Comedians


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Boston's Best Comedians

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